Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Usual

Kimball walked, of course. After breakfast, I did the wash-and-dry routine. Finished, I went to Winco and Wal-Mart for this and that. As I was parking, Debra M. called me to find out if I knew anything about our next VCS meeting. I told her I had only heard from Lori, who asked if all were available today or tomorrow. I'm booked Friday--but guess I could make it today, if early afternoon. However, I don't really want to; the meeting is to suggest speakers for next year, on which I have no particular thoughts.
Heard back from Marcelle that she isn't able to come to lunch on Friday, so I invited her to meet me, and possibly Noreen, for lunch next Wednesday. (I forgot Noreen's T.O.P.S. group is going out for dinner--another senseless action by what's supposed to be aimed at weight-loss.) I think I'll mention to the A. for A. gang I'm meeting Marcelle next week, too, and anyone who wants to join us, may do so.
Got salad fixings and did my usual slice 'n' chop. Did the town walk. At the library, I picked up the book I requested, a bio of Ho Chi Mihn. It's huge, very extensive, and takes a lot of concentration, especially as the savior of Vietnam used a number of names through his life. According to the author, it's believed there were more than fifty. These weren't necessarily aliases to evade being captured (although there were some of those). In Vietnam, children have a certain name at birth, then when they're older another, depending on where they are in life. Or something.

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