Sunday, November 19, 2017


Walked Kimball, then plunged into my day. After breakfast, I took the bathroom rugs and tub mat to the laundry place and washed them. I don't put them in the dryer, but just spread them on patio chairs to dry. Put all my acting stuff away--unfortunately, not very systematically, but just kind of helter-skelter. Dry-mopped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and some of the kitchen, and did a few other chores.
It then occurred to me that I wanted to send the "Nana Mix" (Chex mix with a twist, which Mom always made around Christmas) to the guys in Jersey and I wanted it there for Thanksgiving. I had always made it in the microwave, but mine is too small, so I had to do it in the oven. What a chore! It takes a full hour that way and you have to stir it every fifteen minutes. The post office closes at 3:00 on Saturdays and I had no wrapping paper. At one point, after oven and stirring, I put half in the microwave in a bowl. Set it for three minutes and--it's a good thing I opened in two, because smoke came pouring out. I guess it was too long for only a portion, or whatever. I had to throw most of that part away, made another batch, set it to cool, rushed over to CVS for brown paper, and finally got to the post office to mail it.
Went to WinCo after for salmon portions; I'll serve it baked with a simple marinade. They had none, so I had to go to Ralph's. I was going to make a berry cobbler, but I decided I just wasn't going to go that far (I used to) and bought bananas, grapes, blackberries, raspberries, watermelon, apples, and dried cranberries. Will make a simple mixed fruit dessert, instead. My niece, Carolyn, called and we had a good chat.
I still have to wet mop the floor, clean a little more here and there, and vacuum before I start on the food, but that should be no problem.
Note: I forgot to mention that my dear brother, Jim, called me on Friday,just to say hello. He sounded good, especially for 91; said he and Therese were at McDonald's for dinner--AAGH! How did he manage to live past ninety?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...