Friday, November 03, 2017

Lunch With Jim

Walked the walk, drove over to Enterprise to pick up my clicker, showered, and set off to meet Jim at the harbor.
I had suggested Brophy Bros, where you sit overlooking the water with boats going in and out--I always liked it there. We were both early, Jim with his ugly little dog--okay, not ugly, but no beauty, either--whose name is Mollie (or Molly). The pooch sported a "Service Dog" sweater or vest or whatever it is. It kills me that Jim is as conservative as you can get, constantly railing against those who have ruined our great nation, shamed our glorious heritage, and besmirched...etc. Yet here he is, taking a fleabag into a restaurant as if he might drop dead at any minute unless Mollie--unless Mollie does what? Administers mouth to mouth resuscitation? Splints his broken leg? Alerts passers-by of Jim's need for a band-aid? There's nothing wrong with Jim, but he thinks he's hot stuff because he takes his doggie to lunch.
However, we had a passably good time. He needed to tell about his wife, Lou's, death, less than a year ago and I listened intently. That was fine and I understand his grief. It's when he starts his constant self-aggrandizement that being with him gets tedious. If I hear one more time that his daughter made six million dollars when she was with--can't remember, but some software company--I'm going to stick a fork in his eye. Other than that and his tendency to keep the conversation on himself--typically of such self-absorbed people, he showed little interest in my life--it was okay. He insisted on paying for lunch and I acquiesced without embarrassment. I realize he drove 175 miles to see me and some of the traffic must have been horrendous. Anyway, after lunch and a Corona each, I walked him to his car and we hugged goodbye. Somehow, Jim seems more to be pitied than disliked.
Went directly from there to WinCo to stock up on veggies and fish, then to another market for fruit. Came home and changed into sneakers for my town walk, but received a call from AAA to the effect my check was available and I could pick it up. Did so, then did the museum to library thing.
When I got home, I called Betty to report on the afternoon with Jim and she agreed he's a bit pathetic. He had invited us each to come see him in Texas, but I don't think that's in the cards for me anytime soon.
Or anytime.

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