Sunday, May 24, 2015

No Show and War Crimes

Well, the excitement proved to be a flash in the pan.  Went to the pool opening party with Susan and Walter at 10:00.  We sat with Bessie and Bob F. and had a discussion--a bit tedious and, of course, dominated by the men and me--about computers, computing, and nature versus nurture.  The food was good and the mimosas better, but I was itching to get home and vacuum, which proves worldly wonders will never cease.
Did so, but vacated about 12:45.  Ran errands in Manahawkin, then drove around in a desultory way.  Called Aline, but I think she's still in Manhattan.  I finally came home about 4:00 and didn't see any evidence the lookers had come; I was sure the agent would have left a card or something.
So-o-o, just as I suspected, they had changed their minds. Walter called about 6:00 to say the other realtor said she sent him an e-mail to that effect, but it didn't go through.  Seems the possible people decided not to move to Ocean, after all.
It was disappointing, but I guess the world will go on turning and I remain optimistic.
WIDER:  "...not one person has been held accountable for the war crimes committed based on lies about WMDs, terrorism camps and the doctrine of "pre-emptive war." 
It's this kind of thing that makes me shake with rage.  The unholy monsters and morons who populate the political class duck and weave, and twist and turn, and serve up their falsehoods and weasel words to adoring adherents who swallow it again and again.  Hey, golly gee oh gosh, guess we made a boo-boo when we slaughtered innocents left and right, but we gotta move on, so vote for me anyways and durn tootin' the next time we'll--well, do it all over agin."

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

I saw that one, too. Excellent piece. (The one.)


Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...