Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dinner at the Tuckerton Grill

Went to Kohl's for shoes.  Found a pair I like, but they didn't have my size.  However, they have a service through which you can order an item and have it sent to you home sans cost of postage, which I did.
Saw Judy K. from across the street and impulsively asked about "her" dinner group that meets on Wednesdays.  I had been invited before, but hadn't attended.  She said she'd love to have me come, so I went.
It was early--5:00--and was at the Tuckerton Grille, not a particular favorite of mine, but okay.  There were twelve people there, including Bob, G., whom I had directed--and boy, did he need a lot of it it--in Listen to This! six months ago.  He had his fiance, Barbara Somebody,* with him and I was surprised to hear they had bought a house in Sunrise Bay.
Actually, I had a pretty good time, aside from a snafu with dinner. At this hour, we had early bird specials, of which there was a good selection and which included salad and dessert.  The waitress took our orders--separate checks--and I asked for liver and onions. Chatting away with this group (which totters on the edge of eccentricity and sometimes falls over; one reason I enjoy it), I saw that everyone had received their entrees except me.  What was worse, I didn't get my Corona, either.  Uncharacteristically, I thought I'd be patient, so I waited.  And waited.  And waited.
We were at a long table at the back, far from the entrance and kitchen and it seems the waitress had just vanished.  I finally got up and went into the foyer.  There, I saw the manager and--courteously, not angrily--told him my companions were almost finished dinner and all I had been served was salad.
He was very apologetic and asked if I wanted it now, have it packaged to take home, or wanted any other remedy.  I told him never mind, I didn't want to start dinner now, just bring my Corona and rolls.  He did, I ate and drank and got dessert--all on the house. In fact, he even told me to come in again and he'll stand me for a free dinner.  I doubt if I'll do that, though--seems tacky.
Anyway, it turned out to be quite an enjoyable evening.  
*Barbara, a somewhat shop-worn blonde in her sixties, at least, took a great liking to me, especially after Bob told her about our theatre group.  She said she was Actor's Equity and had appeared here and there, presumably in her long-ago youth.  Asked for my phone number and wants to call me.  

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...