Friday, May 29, 2015

Thisa and Thata

I fixed my little clock!  Yes, my mechanical engineering deduction skills being so impressive, it occurred to me it might need a new battery.  It did (AA), I changed it, and now it's ticking along (actually, it doesn't tick or make any sound except the alarm's "ting-ting-ting").
Went to Santori's in Galloway for feta and veggies, and to Shop-Rite for other stuff.
I was happy to get a call from the doctor's office to the effect that my mammogram showed no abnormalities.
Although I'll do most of it tomorrow, I packed some of my flea market stuff in the car--boy, there's a lot of stuff.  I may have to take two trips.
The A.C. Press had a momentously stupid editorial, arguing that Jerseyites should be "permitted" to pump their own gas. That annoyed me so much, I sat down and wrote this:
May 28, 2015
Voice of the People
The Press of Atlantic City
1000 W. Washington Ave.
Pleasantville, NJ  08232-7224
Dear Sir or Madam:
Of all the specious, convoluted arguments for a dumb idea, your “pump your own gas” editorial takes the cake.  The writer implies—no, asserts—that “the people who elect them” want legislators to permit self-service stations.  He or she seems to think the ban on pumping your own is outrageously unfair, akin to disallowing due process, maybe.  “Some people already boast that’s what they do…”—gasp!   I guess it won’t be long before the pumper people band together, raid gas stations, and banish those who get paid to pump.  Then they can exercise their human right to leave their cars in any weather, get their hands smelly, and inhale those delectable fumes.  And “the industry…figures the price would drop.…”  Oh, really?  Then how is it, according to and other sites, that the average price for gas in the U.S. is $2.74, but in Jersey, it’s $2.53?  That’s the twelfth cheapest in the fifty states.  I don’t actually believe the writer is in cahoots with “the industry,” but the thought crossed my  mind…
Sent it off and we'll see if it's printed. 
I have no idea why, when I copied the letter from Word, the print is turning out smaller, no only for the letter, but this, too.  Oh, well, I guess the world will go on turning...  

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...