Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Dreary.  The sun fled, fog rolled in, and I spent most of the day trying on clothes and hating them.
Actually, I don't hate them, it's rolly-polly Roe I don't like.  Guess I've gained back about three-quarters of the 72 pounds I lost last time, dang it.  The punishment, of course, is seeing a nice blouse or sweater on the hanger and realizing it looks horrible on me.
To cut it short: I went to the Kohl's in Manahawkin, then the Kohl's in Atlantic County, then Bosco's, and tried on a total of six thousand outfits, easy.  Bought five tops and may very well return all of them.
Betty called and I suggested I pick up two subs at Acme (it ain't Sacco's or White House, but they have the virtue of being cheap and are already made up) and bring them to her place after Boscov's.
Did so and we had a pleasant time eating them.*  Got home by 7:00 and--oh, I dunno, I may keep some or all of my purchases.  I wish I wore a size 8 again, as I did after the big weight loss a few years ago.
*These are the non-caloric kind.  You just bite, chew, swallow, and repeat to yourself, "They're diet, no calories, just like water" over and over.  Then you make yourself throw up.
(KIDDING, for heaven's sake!)

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