Friday, May 08, 2015

FELS Luncheon

Left for the Friends of Lifelong Learning at Stockton (don't know where the "E" comes in) luncheon at 10:30 and got there--the Crab Trap in Somers Point--very early.  No matter, though, as I ran into another woman and we strolled to the bay behind the restaurant and chatted.
I was pleased to see my pal, Louise, when I walked in and we caught up with each other.  Was introduced to two of her friends; oddly enough, both named Stella.  I wasn't able to go to the P & P meeting last month, but I understand we're rehearsing for the June production (much too grandiose a phrase!) at the upcoming meeting.  Okay, I'll be there.
Saw Meryl B. who, unfortunately, said she can't attend the next two months.  She was one of the two characters in my play, Impostor, so I'll have to assign somebody else.
I had a crab cake with sides, a Shock Top (can't tell it from Blue Moon), and some interesting conversations with the women at my table.  The speaker was Dan Shelton, the meteorologist who has a column in the Press of A.C. every day. Seemed a nice enough guy and his talk--bland and forgettable--had the virtue of being short.
After, I stopped at Betty's to see if she wanted to go with me to visit Dee, the one who owns our childhood home on Rosborough Avenue.  She did and we had a nice visit over pie and tea.
On the way home, I stopped at an absolutely mobbed Produce Junction and got a gorgeous hanging begonia, plus flowers for the three other mothers I'll see on Sunday.
All in all, a good one, and I was pleasantly tired--not exhausted, but just tired enough to enjoy relaxing when I got home.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...