Sunday, May 10, 2015

Weeds and Things

As aforementioned, I slept late and didn't walk.  Got up at my leisure and lingered over coffee and the Atlantic City Press, as I do every morning.  To that, I added part of the NYTimes, always thinking I'll finish it later, but then Sunday's edition comes and I still have part of Friday's, and...well.
Made the marinated cherry tomato salad, using both red and yellow tomatoes.  In fact, I made a double recipe--maybe too much, but I'm not sure how many will be at Lisa's today.  It took a fair amount of time, but it's now blending its flavors in the fridge.  I ate some and boy, it's good--has pesto in it, which is always yummy.
Did my usual chores, then went out and pulled weeds.  Put the plants I had gotten the other day out.  I really want to plant them in the ground, but find it so hard to get up after kneeling.
I simply had to get away after that, so I took a drive to Barnegat and back.  Didn't feel like going into any store or even getting out, so didn't.
Left a bag of food out for the mail carrior--they have their annual drive on--but didn't get mail.  Later, when my much-loved littlebabyboy-san Skyped me from Tokyo, I was told I had been sent one of his Mommy's wonderful and unique handmade Mother's Day cards. I was disappointed because it didn't arrive yet; hope it didn't get lost.  Got an Amazon gift card from Mike and a card from Ellen, which I'll open today.
I'm not a big fan of all these commercialized holidays; I don't need gifts or anything else to remind me of the best things in my life.  I heard from, or will be with, all of them this weekend.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...