Friday, May 01, 2015

Christine, the Duggars, and Skype

Met Christine, my opposite number in Arsenic, at Element and we had a good, convivial dinner. She has some personal "issues" (excuse it, please), as we all do, but is dealing with them bravely.  I invited her to go with me to see Gypsy on Sunday and she said she would, if her husband hasn't made other plans.
Didn't get  home until almost 9:00 and, as Susan isn't walking today, decided I'd sleep late.  Poured myself a glass of Chardonnay and settled down in front of the television to watch a favorite (in an eerie, can-hardly-believe-it way) show, 19 Kids and Counting.
Why it's my favorite is, I'd be willing to bet, not the same as why it's a lot of other people's favorite. I find it consistently bizarre, riddled with contradictions, and, in a obscure way, elitist and un-Christlike.  But I'll save an explanation for another day and simply comment on the following:
I was amazed--but maybe I shouldn't have been--that Derrick wore a tee shirt with "Israel Defense Force" on it.  Come to think of it, his and Jill's new baby is named "Israel."  Seemed odd, but of course, it isn't.  It's perfectly in keeping with the throwback nature of the show and the family.
Fundamentalist Christians? They is it. And don't those who adhere to that tradition, including some nut jobs in Congress, believe in things such as The Rapture and the second coming?  Here's the explanation and it's a pip:
I wonder what would happen if a Duggar wanted to marry a Jew. Somehow, I think all you-know-what would break loose.  Anyhoo, I'm fascinated by the show and its themes.  More on this another time.
Susan had an early doctor appointment, so I decided to sleep in myself, but was awakened by a call from Mike, wondering why my Skype wasn't on.  Asked him to give me fifteen, got up, dressed and coffeed myself, then we had a wonderful visit via Skype, the mother's boon.  Adorable Violet informed me her seventh was coming up, precious Vivian put in a brief appearance, and I had a good "face time" (I'm succumbing to these tacky colloquialisms!) visit with Mike and his beautiful Paula.  He explained what the capital gains tax means--oh-h-h--so I guess it is better to rent first, sell later, if possible.  

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