Friday, April 24, 2015

Various and Victorian Teatime

After breakfast, I sat right down to transfer my passwords to the new book I bought about a year ago. The book is an invaluable aid, as it's just a few inches square and contains several pages for each letter of the alphabet.  It fits easily into my purse, so when I go away, I take it with  me.
Wrote a letter to my big bro and sent him the old postcards I had found.  I put the 1944 one from Aunt Betty on Facebook and made a copy of the one to Betty and me from the Vatican, keeping the original.  There were also three photo booth pictures of him, looking very young.  It occurred to me he looked like George Orwell, sans the mustache.
The physical stuff?  I dug holes and planted begonias, runcoleus (?),* and hyacinths near the front walk.  Did the same with  my yellow and purple mums, which I put in large pots on the side of the driveway.
Picked Aline up at 6:30 for "Steeped in History" at the Tuckerton Library. It was a program revolving around Victorian times, Rockwood Museum in Delaware, and the history of tea.  Turned out to be very enjoyable and the light refreshments after--finger sandwiches, scones, cupcakes, and other goodies, with tea, of course--were just scrumptious.
I can always tell when something comes out of a mix or a container and these were all made from scratch.  Don't gimme your Cool Whip, that was real whipped cream on the strawberries.  Keep your box of cake mix, these were cupcakes made with flour and eggs and real vanilla.  It was heavenly and we had a lovely evening.  
*I can't spell it and neither can SpellCheck.

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Washed sheets, changed the bed, showered and washed my hair before breakfast. Ate, then fussed around with this and that. I paid the water b...