Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Joan and Frankie

Betty called and we made a lunch date for Friday.  Before I tell her about my call from Joan, I wanted to ask permission first. I sent my dear niece an e-mail to that end, and also repeated my thanks for her initial call and the sentiments she expressed, which I know took courage.  She promptly called me and we had a good talk, enjoying even more our regained--or better, new--closeness.  What a relief and oh, how complicated is the human heart.
Did wash and stuff, then went next door to the D.'s.  Accompanied Frank and Barbara to "Sinatra Revisited" (or whatever it was called) at the Little Egg Library.  It was preceded by a Friends of the Library business meeting; Frank being secretary, we sat through that first.
The guy singing and talking about Frankie was good, although Sinatra--dare I say it?--is not a favorite of mine.  I know that's heresy, but I think he massacred a lot of music and some lyrics. I'll concede that some of his stuff ain't bad.
Saw and chatted with Aline, who had called me earlier just to check in.  She was working, but chatted for a bit; we'll go to breakfast this morning.

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