Friday, April 17, 2015

"A Little Taste of Theatre" and Stuff

The intense last few weeks were topped off yesterday with a bang.  I barely had time to prepare for the show ("A Little Taste of Theatre") at Shalom House when r.e. agent, Walter, came over to take pictures of the interior of my house.  He did, and it looks as good as it ever will, I guess.  Haven't yet seen it on MLS, but will check it out later.
Before I left, it occurred to me that Betty may want a bedside table, so I loaded it into my truck.  Changed, grabbed my scripts and left to pick up Aline at 12:30.
Got to Shalom House before 1:30 and I was pleased to have my players get there by then, also.  (I'm a bug on promptness and don't take late-coming lightly.)  We set up the "stage"--just two chairs together and three others flanking them for the players not on, plus one for me.  We joked over what we were sure would be the sparsity of the audience, but darned if they didn't file in shortly, making close to a full house.  Very gratifying.
Show went well.  I doubt if Meryl Streep is trembling in her boots, but my students--I told the audience they had all graduated with honors--showed a lot of spirit.  It was a tad uneven, but the audience loved it, which is all that matters.
I had planned to go for early dinner later with Aline and Betty and I invited the rest of the cast to go.  I was surprised and pleased when all of them took me up on it; we were also joined by a friend of Linda V.'s., so there were nine of us.
Speaking of whom: Linda has a friend in Little Egg, whose mother might be interested in renting my house.  I gave her a flyer and hope something might come of it.
We had a long and laugh-filled meal, finally breaking up about 4:30.  I had mentioned I wanted to go to the show Grey is in at Brigantine Community Church and I'll meet several of them there on Sunday, the 26th.
We said goodbye--in the main, they're wonderful people and I'll miss them--then Aline and I went to Betty's.  I tried to help her put pictures from her camera onto the Facebook "online flea market," but wasn't able.  I think they have to first be transferred onto her regular computer.
Betty decided she didn't want the table and I'll take it to the recycle center today.  She, Aline, and I chatted for a bit, then we left. Before I dropped Aline off, we sat in the car and talked for a good hour.  She's going to Manhattan again today for the weekend and I have plenty to do, also.  Didn't get home until close to 8:00 and boy, I was plenty tired, but happy.  

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