Thursday, April 02, 2015

Clearing Out and Drones

Geez, I think I'm as energetic as most people my age and maybe more than a lot of them, and yesterday, I used every bit of that pep.
After our walk and breakfast, I dove into clearing out the linen closet.  Now this isn't a standard-sized closet; it runs along a whole wall in the master bath behind sliding doors and is equipped with four long shelves.  One side easily held all my king-sized bed sheets and pillow cases, a number of large towels, tablecloths for both the dining room and kitchen, blankets and pillows, plus boxes of tissues, cotton swabs, and so on.  On the other side, I had my incredibly extended collection of cosmetics, skin care products, all kinds of stuff for teeth, fingernails, and practically every other part of this bulging body.  I kept my scale (lotta good that does me, as I don't like the numbers on it) and paper goods (I mean toilet paper, of course) underneath, and there was plenty of room for all that and a lot more. So that's what I tackled.  I'd hate to figure up what I paid for the mountains of things I threw out, but oh, what a liberating feeling.
My friend came a bit after 1:00 (she had conferences at 4:30) bringing a huge roll of extra-strong bubble wrap and started immediately wrapping the larger pictures of those I want to take.
I finished the bath chores and started in on the kitchen drawers. Filled a big box with donations of an enormous variety of utensils, almost all rarely used, and I still have plenty more.  I asked my friend to take two small tables to the garage, thinking their absence would make the rooms look bigger.  She also substituted a family picture for the rather gloomy one--boats at dusk--in the living room and switched around some other items.
In the meantime, we had turned the oven-clearer and let it go the full four hours and some minutes.  It looks better than it did, but not perfect; maybe I'll run it again.  It was impossible to get the racks clean, I'm afraid.  I wonder if I could buy new ones.
Friend left a little after four and I ate a can of peas for dinner, then took a drive to Graveling Point.  Boy, was I tired, but in a good, accomplished-much-more-than-I-thought-I-would-and isn't-that-grand-kind-of-way.
Today: Breakfast with my pal, then more of the clearing-out same.
WIDER:  Our blood-drenched leaders continue to champion horrors beyond belief.  Now it's supplying drones to "allies":

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