Monday, April 20, 2015

The Garage and La Traviata

A good, satisfying day, I guess because it included work and leisure.  I had planned to spend several hours cleaning the garage and I did just that in the morning.
It had been jammed with boxes, sealed to go and unsealed to donate, as well as loose thrift store and flea market stuff.  I consolidated a lot of it and stacked boxes more compactly.  The garage itself was dusty and dirty and leaves, dirt, and stuff littered the floor.  Swept that up and dumped the mess.  I had an old bath rug at the entrance to the laundry room, which was ready to go; I threw it out and replaced it with a standard door mat.
All this was quite a chore, but I finished about 11:00 and immediately jumped in the shower, washed my hair, and felt great.
Went to 1:00 opera at the clubhouse, a very enjoyable interlude.  It was La Traviata.
I've seen this several times, and this exact production, performed at the Royal Opera House at Covent Garen once before.  It never fails to thrill me with the fabulous sets and costumes, and for an opera--and even for not an opera--the acting is superb.  That isn't always the case in this artistic venue and it adds greatly to its effectiveness. During the final fatal scene when Violetta, reunited with Alfredo only minutes before, sings her last aria, then expires in his arms, there wasn't a dry eye in the house, including mine.  There were about fifteen people there and we were served lunch first--hmm, that was quite a draw, too.  
After, I took a short drive before going home.  Got a call from Betty, who said she's planning a yard sale for late May. Great! I'll load up my car with treasures and join her and we'll both be rollin' in dough.
Have a dermatologist appointment this morning.  I want him to look at a rough spot on my nose that's been there too long, I think. In light of Mike's squamous cell nose lesion--and subsequent removal with minor plastic surgery--guess I'd better "have it looked at" as my mother used to say.  

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