Saturday, April 25, 2015

Physical Labor and Viv

We bundled up for our walk (cold, windy, overcast--ugh!); the sun came out later, but it was still cold.
Keeping to my vow to do some physical labor aside from our morning walk every day, I swept and mopped the kitchen, vacuumed all the carpets, and cleaned up in the bathroom.  Spent a lot of time scrubbing the marred kitchen table (it's blond wood) and it cleaned up nicely.
Drove over to Santori's after for tomatoes and Granny Smith apples to make applesauce.  Called Frank-and-Barbara-Next-Door to see if they wanted to go to the Frank Sinatra thing at the library next week.  (I had asked Aline, but it's at 2:00 and she'll be working.)   Frank said they had already planned to go, so I'll go with them.
My friend called to invite me to dinner tonight--just a casual one, but I never turn down a chance to see her and of course, I accepted; think I'll see if she wants me to bring the pork roast in the freezer; I'll do the applesauce, too.
Had dinner with dear friend, Vivian L., at Element in Manahawkin. Viv and I met as Wellspouse members when my husband was on his downward spiral of illness.  Her husband has MS--can move only one hand--and boy, she's had a tough row to hoe for thirty years.
I was anxious to hear the circumstances of her leaving her job at a certain college.  I won't say which because when she told me what had happened, I suggested she may want to consult an attorney.  I hope she does and I hope she prevails--after seventeen years of service, it was a lousy parting.
Viv is one of those precious people--I'm lucky enough to have several--with whom I can share all kinds of things with no thought of anything but deep understanding and fellow feeling.  She can do the same with me, of course, and it's a great relief for both of us. Funny--I see Susan virtually every day and have known her twice as long as I've known Viv, but there's always a gap, a space, a barrier with her that disallows such intimacy.
Anyway, it was good to be with my friend.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...