Monday, April 06, 2015


I'm often snide about Susan's conventionality and religiosity, with my nasty little comments and superior attitude.  I should be ashamed of myself.
I am ashamed of myself.  She's been a good friend and neighbor to me in all kinds of ways and I need to acknowledge that.
Yesterday, I went over at 1:00 and was welcomed with open arms by Susan and Walter, her sister, two nieces, cousin, son and daughter-in-law, and of course, her daughter, Julie, whom I like so much.  I had brought over for the only grandchild, Sophia, my shoe-box-sized container filled with all kinds of stickers.  I know I won't use them anymore and probably would have taken them to the thrift store, anyway.  I didn't realize Sophia would get such a kick out of them, but she loved them. I gave Susan a bunch of very pretty pink tulips in a matching pink vase.
Susan served ham, potato salad, asparagus, a carrots and pineapple dish, corn pudding, rolls, and a wonderful sweet potato casserole, on which she put white peeps instead of marshmallow.  Of course, there were yummy appetizers, as well as all kinds of wine, beer, and soft beverages, plus Sapphire gin martinis.  I skipped the latter, although Walter makes the best in the universe, as they're really potent and I didn't want to have to be helped across the street.
Dessert featured a meringue-based whipped cream bunny "cake," filled with kiwi, raspberries, and bananas; bunny and chick cookies; plus peeps dipped in chocolate. Good coffee accompanied these, and some of us, including yours truly, laced it with chocolate wine.
I stayed until 4:00, then left with copious thanks.  Without having those of my own family around for Easter, this was surely the next best thing.
Later, I impulsively called Aline and asked if she wanted to go to Gravelling Point after she had dinner (I ate so much at Susan's I think I'll never eat again).  Yes. indeed, and I picked her up at 6:00. We went to our favorite viewing area and it was excellent: extremely windy and lots of white caps.  Drove after to Green Street to see more of the angry water, which was barely held back by the bulkhead.  Finally, I drove us down to Dock Street, an area far, far out into the swamp lands, and we enjoyed seeing that, too.
A good, satisfying day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...