Sunday, February 22, 2015

Supporting the Troops?

I almost never post two entries in a day, but my journal-y one is so long and this is important, so that's what I'm doing.  Mr. Hornberger expresses my sentiments perfectly.  He mentions the clergy urging "prayers for our troops."  I stopped into a catholic church (from which I liberated myself years ago) in Margate the other day to wait for my sister.  The deacon prayed the usual prayers, then intoned that church-goers should "pray for the safety of our men and women in the military."  What?  For sheer hypocrisy, this takes the cake: supposed followers of the Prince of Peace praying for "our military."  Not for the victims of "our military," of course, not for the non-combatants (by far the majority) slaughtered by "our military, but for those who, like that odious sniper who's lauded as a hero, have made the conscious decision to kill strangers.  Makes me sick.  Hornberger's take on the subject is well worth reading:


iloveac said...

When will church goers who share those beliefs stand up IN CHURCH and declare "no" to such pleas?

Mimi said...

I'm afraid I have the answer to that, Pat: When Hell freezes over.

iloveac said...

Sadly, I agree.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...