Wednesday, February 04, 2015

On A Roll

Yesterday was more like it when it came to getting things done.  I cleared all the shelves in the study (aside from the highest over on the side; will ask my friend to do that), removing and putting in the guest room several hundred books.  Now how in the world am I going to get them to the library to donate?  I'll just have to load up my car and go back and forth, I guess.
Removed dozens of framed pictures from shelves and walls and selected which I'll take with me.  Took the pictures from ones I won't take and put the frames in the thrift store section.  I cleared the lower bookcase of everything, but just set up a pictureesque grouping of a few books. (My friend will probably tell me to take it down!)
Took a breather in the middle to call Betty.  I have several things I came across that I want to give her, and we made a lunch date for Friday.
At quarter of five, I quit to pick up Aline and we had a good "Pasta Night" dinner at Dynasty. Today, I'll tackle the rest of the room. I'm not looking forward to the drawers--they're full--but I'm determined to get it done.  I'm on a roll!

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