Monday, February 09, 2015

Still More

Continued what you're not supposed to do (handling things more than once), but in my case, I think I can be forgiven.  I had kept so much memorabilia the last time I went over it, I could hardly pick up the containers they were in. This time, I forced myself to discard and was able to consolidate the stuff into smaller containers.
Did what my friend suggested and put all the framed pictures I want to take in one place.  Those I'm not taking, I "dismantled"--that is, took the pictures out and will take the frames to the thrift store.
My work--it's my profession now--took me practically all day.  I labored from about 9:30, to 1:00, took a half-hour lunch break (had the angel hair, broccoli, and garlic left over from Saturday), then talked to son Mike for twenty minutes or so.  (He's in L.A., saw his sister, Ellen, when he got in, then flew to Utah, will hit Texas, then--yay!--see his Mum in Jersey.)
About 3:30, I had to get away for a bit, so drove to Manahawkin to pick up wine and groceries.  Home, I started on the two large boxes of LETCO stuff I have, which I'll consolidate into one.  I had lots of dups, including three scripts of Riders to the Sea, which I can get off the Internet if I need to, and I can't imagine I ever will.
Finally quit at 5:30 after putting chicken drumsticks in the oven.  I was tired, but felt good.  I have my acting class--penultimate session--tomorrow and have to hone a few things, so will do that today, in between the forever job.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...