Monday, February 02, 2015


Managed to get a fair amount done early on. Cleared off two of the longer shelves in the study.  Took some of the pictures out of their frames; will keep the pics and donate the frames.
But, oh, the books!  Even after donating so many to the library, I have stacks more of them piled in the guest room.  My friend said she'd take them wherever and I'm also going to force myself to throw some away.
I noticed that I had an inch or more of gray roots, so went to Wal-Greens and got Gray-Away.  Sprayed it on, and geez, it works!  It's a good stop-gap measure for in between the highway robbery beauty salon.
Made the dressing for the kale, added dried cranberries, tasted, and--hey, not too shabby. It's actually very good, plus easy, so couldn't be better. In fact, several remarked on how much they liked it.
This Super Bowl party, which the H.'s have every year, seemed a bit subdued. For one thing, there were many fewer people there.  I was told Dennis is sick (and Leslie, for some strange reason, wouldn't come without him, although they live right next door), and both the V.'s and the D.'s are away.  I asked about Anne Mary H., who was also absent, and learned she had come earlier, but left in a huff after she and hostess Barb had words. A.M. is very eccentric and has to be handled with kid gloves sometimes, so she wasn't really missed.
Having no interest whatever in the outcome of the game, I greatly enjoyed it.  Why?  Because of the pleasant surprise that the usual prayerful attention to the military was lacking.
Oh, yes, the half-time show was still designed for morons.  With a breath-taking display of vulgarity, it included lots of light, flares, noise, crazy costumes, and the featured singer soaring in the air on a platform--was she supposed to represent the Blessed Mother on steroids?--but all that was so much more enjoyable than the usual paeans to aggression.  We were spared seeing the adorable child running into the arms of the hired killer who volunteered to abdicate his/her parental responsibilities to go to other lands and help kill other people's children.  Of course, we did have to endure that odious puppy/horse thing, which makes me want to swear off beer forever.
Oh, never mind the last--I'm not that pure!  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...