Sunday, February 01, 2015


Dullest day I've had in an age.  After our walk--and boy, was it cold, I thought my cheeks would freeze--and breakfast, I didn't do much productive.  Should have been continuing my forever chores, but just didn't feel like it.
Called Barb H. to ask what I should bring to the Super Bowl party and she suggested broccoli slaw.  Went to Acme, but didn't like the packaged broccoli--I never buy it that way--so got what's called "sweet kale."  I'll make some of the Bobby Flay dressing and put that on.
Drove to Manahawkin for some important items; I can't even remember what.  Photographed my champagne glasses and sent them to Denise at Downtown Consignment, but she decided to pass on them.
I actually took a nap for an hour or two on the couch--just overcome with ennui.  I hate the cold weather and can't wait to get to that other place.  Yes, it gets cool in the winter, but it never snows and that's fine by me; if I want snow, I'll start snorting it.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...