Thursday, February 26, 2015

Looking Up

Hey, things are looking up.  Finally, I completed Ellen's box, having put pictures in an informal album and bundled up a lot of other memorabilia.  Got it packed in a flat rate box, zoomed to the P. O., sent it off.  I told them there one of Mike's packages had arrived and they were happy to hear that.
Went from there to Shop-Rite for needed--well, some needed, some wanted--items and stopped at the dollar store, too.
Heard from Betty that she had made our reservations for two weeks from now when we meet up with our brothers in Virginia.  While having lunch, I continued reading Life is too Short, Mickey Rooney's bio, which I find semi-interesting.  I may incorporate into our upcoming show a bit he did in Sugar Babies; it's a shade risque, but I think funny:  Female character says, "I joined a dance troupe. I danced on my right leg.  I danced on my left leg.  Between the two of them, I made a lot of money."  Wonder if our elderly audience will get that.
On YouTube, I found a clip of Rooney and Ann Miller in that show.  I was astounded, not so much at Rooney, as at Miller. Seeing her dance, hearing her sing, I couldn't believe this very tall, very slender, impossibly long-legged woman could be 57 years old. But she was and here's the clip:
At 4:05 minutes in, she whips off her long skirt and you can see and watch dancin' what must be two of the longest gams ever.
Picked up Aline at 5:00 and we went to dinner at Mystic Casino. She begged off going to the Purim show on Sunday, as her sister-in-law asked if she could come up to Westchester.  I'll ask Betty if she wants go, otherwise, will go by myself.
A bit later:  Just enjoyed a virtual visit with Mr. K., that bouncing bunch of baby.  Every time I see him, I yearn to hold his little hand and kiss his sweet head. What a delight!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...