Wednesday, July 02, 2014

To Sleep, Perchance To Have A Premonition...

After our walk, went to Mastercraft for my 8:15 oil change appointment. I always expect them to come out and tell me I need some enormous repair job; luckily, that didn't happen. This time, the guy just said my air filter needed to be replaced and it was only twenty bucks.  Mind you, any mechanic could tell me anything--"You need a new vector monitor and it'll come to two thou"--and I'd have no way of knowing if such a thing existed, let alone if it needed to be replaced.  But this was okay.
Home, I did a lot of wash and finally tackled the mounds of paperwork I had on the desk: organized into folders, filed, and threw out--very satisfying. Made a few calls, then looked at Craig's List and other sites for possible apartments in Ventura or nearby.  Found some possibles, but the rentals are daunting.
Late in the day, I got in the car and drove to the bay area in Barnegat.  This is a lovely place with a short, wide boardwalk overlooking the water.  Must take Aline there.
Here's something off-putting:  After lunch, I could hardly keep my eyes open for some reason, and lay down on the couch. Very unusual for me, I fell into a deep sleep and had an incredibly vivid dream.  I won't go into particulars--there's nothing more boring than other people's dreams--but it entailed my having a stroke and being unable to talk intelligibly; my vision was affected, too. It was so realistic that when I woke up (I had slept only an hour), I felt a great sense of relief that it wasn't true.

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