Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My Back, My Letters, and My Granddaughters

I was so pleased to get a video call from my precious granddaughters in Singapore yesterday.  Their father finally, at long last, deigned to contact  me and how I loved seeing them.  Both are just beautiful children--Vivian on the cusp of double digits--almost ten--and so full of life and animation you have to smile to look at her.  Six-year-old Violet is adorable; so pretty and she has a very distinctive way of talking.  It's not exactly an accent--or if it is, I can't place it--but it's so appealing and very--well, high-class, you might say.  I would certainly love to see my little grandson, too--hint, hint.
Reeling time backward: My back ache woke me at 1 am and I started getting convinced it was a heart attack.  I took two aspirin and actually contemplated calling 911.  However, I thought better of it because I didn't want to alarm the neighbors.  Finally fell back to sleep.
Continued to have sporadic pain and called to make a doctor's appointment for 3:00.  My friend came about 1:00 and we went up to Target, then home for me to shower.  She accompanied me to the doctor's and, I'm happy to say, all is well; I have some kind of muscle strain, pull, or spasm.  Doc prescribed two medications, which I went up to Wal-Mart to get  They weren't too bad, a total of $38, and I took one when I got home.  Back hurts right now, but mildly and I can live with it.
I called Comcast to see how much I could save by dropping television coverage.  Incredibly, not much, so for this month, anyway, I'll keep it.  There's also a possibility, though, of saving through dropping nationwide free telephoning, just getting local, then paying five cents a minute for out of town, or whatever.  All very complicated to support their sole aim, the heartless bastards: to extract every penny possible out of their cowed customers.
Home from The Big Apple--remember that?--Aline called and we made a date for lunch today.  She has to go into work for some kind of meeting, but will call me after and I'll pick her up.
I sat and read all the letters I had received more than five decades ago from Jimmy D., Betty's boyfriend.  Found him easily on Facebook and sent him a private message to see if he wants to have any contact.
I must soon stop spending so much time with those old letters.  I'm getting too wrapped up them and their era and I'm finding myself pulled too vigorously back to the past.  I don't belong there--nobody living does--but it's so tempting to revisit.
News Flash! Incredibly, for the second day in a row, I just got a video call from Singapore.  Reason?  This momentous news: Violet lost a tooth and wanted to show it to me. So glad to see her and her big sister, plus Snickerdoodle and Malibu. I'm going to work on the father of the family to see if they'll come over next summer, right here to Little Egg.       

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