Friday, July 04, 2014

The Boys And The Car

A half and half day: Half great and half gruesome.
My friend having invited me, I got up to her house by 10:00, happy to be with her and the boys, J. and T.  I often forget they're my great grandsons, not my grandsons and what a delight they are.
It was Thursday, pickin' day, and we took off for the farm, T. looking like an adorable little hayseed in his straw hat.  There wasn't much to pick except herbs, but we got our allotted Swiss chard, kale, collard greens, zucchini, blueberries, and tomatoes in the barn.
When we got back, T. announced he was going to make us lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and (with Nana's supervision), he did. They tasted great, along with cherries and strawberry yogurt.
After, we played croquet in the backyard, but boy, was it hot and, yes, I got a lot of bites, too.  It was fun, though.  We then walked down the street to Dawn's, whose produce stand was open,  We bought peaches, nectarines, and apricots, some of which the boys devoured before we even got home.
In the deliciously cool house, J. and T. played chess, then I played with J.--badly, I'm afraid, because he was just teaching me and I found it hard to remember the moves.  I left about 4:00 with hugs and kisses all around; I love to be with them.
The six million cars and mine going to the shore the day before the fourth were bumper to bumper on route 539 and stuck at one point for a good half hour.  The jam finally eased and I neared Little Egg about 5:30. Decided to stop at Acme for a bag of ice, as I was worried my refrigerator wasn't cooling properly.
Bad idea. The parking lot and the place itself were jammed; you'd swear a hurricane, famine, and foreign invasion were teaming up to take us all to glory.  However, I valiantly fought my way in and out and, with a sigh of relief, put my key in the ignition and--
Nothing.  It didn't even turn over. Well, I'll cut the rest short: I called Allstate, they sent a guy who charged--I guess--the battery (which I know I haven't changed in many years) and I finally went got home about 7:00.
Now the fridge seems okay--I think.  I put the ice in the freezer and left the car in the driveway (instead of the garage) in case it has to be towed.  Besides, I understand it's going to rain today and I might as well take advantage of that to have it washed.  
Calmed myself by reviewing the new videos of the little darling in Japan, had a bite, and fell thankfully into bed.

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