Sunday, July 06, 2014

Car And Mold

Oh, happy day--my li'l darlin' is all better again!  She wouldn't start on Friday, but yesterday she made an extra effort and did.  Got her to the doctor auto place, nice man put a new battery in, and zoom, zoom away!
Went to the library and got Roger Ebert's autobiography in book form.  I'm fascinated by his life--and death, and what led up to it, poor guy--and I'm listening to same on a CD in the car.  I want to see pictures of his early life, too, and am dying to see the new documentary about him. Hope Aline and I can go to New York before long to see it.
I took another CD back--had listened for a few minutes and found it boring; unfortunately, I was told a disk was missing.  I looked in the car with no luck, renewed it and when I got home, looked more thoroughly.  Nope, it's not there.  Because I listen to CDs only in the car and never take them inside, I'm afraid it must have fallen out. Darn; guess I'll have to pay for it.
My friend's hubby came and power washed the back and side of the house because of the mold letter I got from the home owners association.  It took hours in the broiling heat and I wasn't going to loll in the house while he worked, so I spent almost as much time pulling weeds in the front and sides.  What a job, but that's what I get for neglecting it.
Aline and I will spend the day together, then she takes off for a week in Savannah.  I'll miss her her, but--Ellen will be here soon, hooray!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...