Thursday, July 17, 2014

Letters and Lunch

Spent more time on my "letters to Pat" project, which now cover the kitchen table and some of the counters.  Scanned and printed a few of the letters, and will send.
Aline called and I picked her up at 11:30.  Went over to the Hamilton Mall area, as I thought I'd look for a birthday present for Vivian at Justice, but changed my mind.  She already got a lot from there and I'll send her a little something else.
We ate at Red Lobster, another place where the beer ($5.15) costs almost as much as the meal ($7.99), but it was pretty good.  Went after that to BAM!, which would be more enjoyable if it didn't have that asinine name.
We browsed for a half or so, then drove off and to Gravelling Point to view the water.  Mindful of the terrible green heads in the area, we didn't even get out of the car, but sat and chatted.
Dropped A. off a bit after 3:00, then went to Target for Manila envelopes and small containers for the letters.  Sent an e-mail to my children, asking for advice as to what to do with them. Heard back from one of them so far, but I don't think it's feasible to scan them--too many and why not just keep them?
I've developed a kind of ache on my upper right.  I hope it's some kind of muscle soreness, as it comes and goes.  Just took some aspirin, which I hope will deal with it.
It's farm day and I'll leave for my friend's at 1:00.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...