Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Brain And Justice

Got to Stockton for the Brain Research Study thing as scheduled at 11:00.  Chatted with the two assisting psych students--female--who prepared me for the brain wave (I think it was) scan. One blonde, one brunette, they were both very pleasant, quite pretty, and so awesomely clueless about what kind of job market they're facing, it was scary.
Do they have any idea--a clue, a hint, a vague notion--of how overcrowded the field is?  Why the hell does each think she's the special snowflake?  Of course, they both intend to go to graduate school, another scam by the educational cartel, but so does everybody else. How many of the multitude--and that includes English, history, archeology, and "sociology," that pretend field--of liberal arts grads churned out every year are going to assist Jane Goodall or dig up the equivalent of Cro-Magnon man?  Yes, that's right.
Okay, tirade over.  I didn't say any of the above to the two earnest girls, of course--they'll find out soon enough--and we had a nice chat.  They fitted up my head with dozens of electrodes (or whatever they are), sat me in front of a monitor (stare at a plus sign for three minutes, close eyes for another three); gave me a few papers to fill out ("Do you stay in most of the time?" "Are you usually cheerful?"); and I was outta there in about an hour.  Next Monday comes the nerve-racking memory part.        
Went from there to Justice Brothers, a store in Mays Landing for pre-teens, and got a gift for precious little Violet, who will be six on July tenth.  Stopped elsewhere for a card and rushed home to wrap it, then to the P.O. to send.  Didn't get lunch until almost 4:00, after which I did this and that, re-dressed, and went off to the viewing for Val S., yet another loss of life in this community.  Lots of neighbors there, of course, and I sat and chatted with several.
Was pleased to get a Skype call (on which there was a problem, so we switched to the phone) from Ellen, who's had some fun times with her Greg.  We discussed where I might live when I move to the left coast and she said her friend, Linda, has suggested an independent living situation called Cypress Place.  I went on its web site and sent for a brochure.  It's a possibility, although I'm not sure it's for me.  We'll see.
El will be here a week from today--yay!--and will stay over with her sister for the night, then I'll see her on Wednesday.  We also talked about my budget, which my financial advisor drew up for me.  He and his brother, the Scrooges, have been nagging me about out of control spending, and now I reluctantly think they may have a point. If it will save a fair amount, I intend to drop Comcast for t.v.--I don't watch much and won't miss it--but not while Ellen is here.
Aline called and we had a good talk. We're both looking forward to tomorrow when I take her to lunch tomorrow for her birthday.


Jim Wetzel said...

"Do they have any idea--a clue, a hint, a vague notion--of how overcrowded the field is? Why the hell does each think she's the special snowflake? Of course, they both intend to go to graduate school, another scam by the educational cartel, but so does everybody else. How many of the multitude--and that includes English, history, archeology, and "sociology," that pretend field--of liberal arts grads churned out every year are going to assist Jane Goodall or dig up the equivalent of Cro-Magnon man? Yes, that's right."

Puts me in mind of my own daughter, who graduated in '08 with a bachelor's in social work, magna cum laude, no less. Spent several years living at home and trying to find a job -- only got a couple of interviews, even. Typically, she was up against the holders of advanced degrees with substantial experience, and those folks were desperate to find work. Finally, she got a job doing phone support for a software company, and she's pretty much turning into a software engineer. Point is, her formal education had nothing to do with it; she could have done the same thing right out of high school. "Scam by the educational cartel" is right -- exactly right.

Mimi said...

Jim, I responded to the above via e-mail--I think. I'm never sure exactly how to do that. Hope it reaches you.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...