Thursday, August 29, 2013

More C. and C.

Got a bunch more cleaning up and clearing out done, this time in the guest room.  I had had a lot of theatre stuff on the beds, along with other crapola that had to be either tossed or put away.  Very satisfying to get that done. 
Went to the store, watered and trimmed plants, then pretty much kept my nose to the domestic grindstone all day.
Called Leslie and Aline to tell them I'd pick them up at 10:30 today for our little excursion to Galloway.
I was thrilled to see on Facebook that Surflight is holding auditions for Our Town on Saturday, September 7.  E-mailed Julie S.--we were both in LETCO's production of it two years ago--to see if she wanted to go.  She does and I'll pick her up.  I printed out three pictures of myself on stage in the part I want and will take them along with my theatrical resume.  Am far from confident I'll get a part; I'm sure there'll be plenty of competition, and everybody and her sister has been in it, but yea or nay, I'm going to give it a shot.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...