Saturday, August 10, 2013


At 10 am, I got a call from Ravin' Rachel, telling me she had had "the worst night in her life" and would I direct the rehearsal for The Ugly Ducking, scheduled for a few hours later?  She then informed me she hadn't told the rest of the cast she wouldn't be there.  I'm not sure why, but fathoming Rachel's motives is a losing game, so I just agreed.
I actually do enjoy directing, although something like this--standing in for another--not so much.  The actual director needs to fulfill whatever vision he or she entertains about a production, and substituting isn't the same.  In any event, I'm not a fan of a cast member directing the play he or she is in.  Riders to the Sea, the first play in which I performed for an audience, was directed by Kathy D., who also played my daughter.  I badly needed confidence back in those days.  (I still do and you can raise an skeptical eyebrow at any actor who pretends he or she doesn't.)  I respond best to a director who can convey correction in a supportive manner and, when warranted, isn't hesitant about praise.  Kathy, otherwise a pleasant young woman, didn't have that knack and I think the performance could have been better.   
As it turned out, the Duckling rehearsal went well.  I was especially pleased with Sondra M.'s performance.  She's a late entry and we play "off" each other, so to speak, beautifully as the prince (my role) and princess.  She made it more fun than it had been previously. 
I sat in the back when I wasn't in a scene and made a few notes, then discussed them with the cast.  After that, I mentioned that I had submitted a proposal to FELS (Friends of Encore Learning at Stockton) several months ago to teach an acting course, but had been told Rachel was already scheduled.  I confided to the group the fact that I intend to re-apply for next semester.  They all urged me to do that, and said they'd sign up for the course.  Then, somebody suggested that, even if FELS didn't accept my offer, I simply do it myself.  I was taken aback at the idea, but will consider it.
We dispersed after that and I got to Betty's about an hour earlier than I thought I would.  She was at the Richards Avenue beach, but no prob; I called her, then picked her up on Atlantic Avenue.  She had a delicious dinner bubbling in the crock pot: chicken with balsamic vinegar and herbs as the main course.  She added salad, rice, and zucchini, and oh, yum, yummy, yum.  We ate on the porch and had a nice visit. 
I'll be back on Absecon Island next Saturday for a Players & Playwrights meeting, and will probably see her again.  Think I'll plan to bring dinner myself at that time.   

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