Saturday, August 24, 2013

Garage And Super Soldiers

Got a lot accomplished yesterday, thanks mostly to my friend and her husband.  They came roaring up on a motorcycle and we all worked for several hours on the garage.  I had already gotten a fair amount done, but needed to have them move the heavy stuff and decide what they could use and what should be scrapped.  On my request, they switched the bookcase in the guest room closet with the small chest of drawers in the garage.  They also loaded the large bureau into my car and drove it to Public Works (I was delighted to have learned you can bring stuff over yourself--don't have to wait for them to pick it up.)  I had put all the tools in order, keeping a hammer, pliers, and screwdrivers for myself.  They took a lot of the rest, plus paint brushes and rollers, and a slew of other items. 
Aside from that, we all worked diligently clearing away the junk.  Both large trash cans (regular and recycle) are almost filled and I have piles of other stuff I brought in the house to go through.  The garage walls that abut the house are now free, so the termite people can drill next Friday, but I still want to get to the other side and see how much I can clear.
Gave my helpers a lunch of hard-boiled egg sandwiches, salad, broccoli, and iced tea, then they roared away.  Drove to Manahawkin to get Tristan a "get well" (the poor little guy has a broken arm) gift, which I'll pack and send today.
Talked to Betty, who is probably going to brother, Larry's, Florida "reunion" in December.  I may, too, not sure yet.  She also reminded me that our nephew, Rob, from Oregon, will be visiting over Labor Day.  I'll probably have them up for dinner.  
WIDER:  Here's a hair-raising article about the Brave New World coming up.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...