Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cooking And Acting

Oddly enough, I spent a lot of the day in the kitchen.  Had several pounds of tomatoes, which I chunked, then combined with onions, garlic, green peppers, and a bit of oil.  Added the nice fresh dill and cilantro I had gotten at the organic farm, and put all to bubbling on the stove.  I had defrosted a Cornish hen and I prepared it by approximating the balsamic chicken I had enjoyed at Betty's.  It fit into my small crock pot nicely and several hours later, came out wonderfully tender and tasty. 
I was on a roll, so I continued my cooking frenzy by hard-boiling a half dozen eggs and making a big salad; had that for lunch.  Cooked up elbow macaroni, put my tomato thing (it's not as thick and smooth as spaghetti sauce, but not really anything else I can name, either) on top, and that was dinner, along with some of the chicken.  Not half bad, if I say it myself.
Otherwise, I worked up an agenda of the acting classes I hope to conduct eventually for FELS.  Also composed some "situation" exercises for improv.  Here's one: "You were brought up in a strict orthodox Jewish home and your father is a rabbi, but you have converted to Catholicism.  Now you must inform your parents."   Another: "You've been visited by aliens from outer space and want Stephen King to write a book about it.  Convince him to do so."  The idea is to have members of the class improvise (with little time to prepare) an explanation or persuasive argument of some kind, addressed to another person and with a time limit of about a minute.  This is designed to promote thinking on their feet and combat self-consciousness. 
Got a call from Aline, on her way to Manhattan to say goodbye to her brother, who is soon leaving for North Carolina to begin his summer lecturing job at Clemson State.  ("What?" says Sister Gabriel, "Another run-on sentence?!")
Had to get out of the house, so drove to B.J.'s for supplies after dinner.  I have nothing scheduled today, so think I'll cook up the eggplant and zucchini, but probably not together.   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...