Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lunch and LETCO Meeting

Aline called early to say she had decided to skip her van trip to Cape May, so she'd
be able to attend the LETCO meeting.  She was working until 6:00, after which I picked her up at the bus stop and we drove to the Henry's for the meeting.
Early in the day, I went over to Canal's for wine.  Called Betty to suggest lunch, and sure thing, but we couldn't think of anywhere to meet but Friendly's. 
Now this is an establishment which I've often vowed never to enter again.  I don't have any strong reasons except that the food is terrible, the service indifferent, the place bordering on the crummy, and the clientele seedy.
Okay, I exaggerate, but I don't like it much.  However, I ordered chili, Caesar salad, and iced tea, and it was okay.  Had a nice visit, then went on our ways.
I stopped at Boscov's, but didn't buy anything, then at the cemetery to water on the way home.  Got in, showered and changed, and off we went to the meeting.
Jim and Mary Henry have a lovely home out on Nugentown Road, to which I 've been several times, and they're wonderful hosts.  They had wine, beer, and munchies, in which we all indulged during a good, lively executive board meeting.  Besides those mentioned, it was attended by artistic director and founder Desi, of course, as well as Tonya N., Ellen V., and Tara C. 
The discussion--lively and sometimes profane--circled around "where do we go from here?"  Our big problem is finding a venue for productions.  Second to that is selecting, scheduling, publicizing, and producing shows.  Third is beefing up our membership.  So, yes, we have a long way to go to revitalize our theatre company, but it was heartening to know we're going to address the problems.
And, of course, it was so good to be back with LETCO colleagues.  As a little added bonus, I, the early-to-bedder, appreciate the fact that Jim, being a doctor who needs his sleep, won't stay at meetings past 9 pm, so we broke up shortly before that.
Aline and I have a nice excursion planned for today, too.  Stay tuned.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...