Friday, August 30, 2013

Busy Day

I don't know why I'm not as skinny as a rail.  Yesterday, I ran around all day at a fast pace.  Well, maybe not so fast...
Leslie called early to say she thought she'd better not join Aline and me after all, as she had to go out with Dennis at 3:30.  Well, okay.  I called A. and we decided, in that case, we'd start out at our usual time of 12:30, as she wanted to go to Acme with her sister and there was plenty I had to do in the meantime.
Greeted my pal, and we drove to Galloway; went to Romanelli's Garden CafĂ© for lunch.  Wow, what a find!  I hadn't been there for about three years and they've changed the layout, plus acquired a liquor license.  I had a decadent and scrumptious sausage sandwich and A. a lovely glazed chicken salad, both delicious.  The Blue Moon wasn't bad, either, and happily, the place is even reasonably priced.  We'll be sure to go there again.
After, we drove the half-mile to "Days of Olde" (silly "e" on the end), a large, but under-one-roof collection of antique--and "antique"--shops (or maybe "shoppes") of varied, and no doubt dubious, value.  I wanted to find Claire, a woman I know slightly from Dine Around, to show her my sampler and some comic books I found in the garage.  I did so, but she didn't believe she could afford to make me an offer on the former; she asked another dealer to look at the comic books.  He did and was interested, but I said I'd have to research them first before entertaining an offer, and he admitted the same.  Actually, these belong to my older son, so I'll contact him and ask what he'd take for them--or if he wants to sell them at all.  Claire is interested in opera and asked if she could attend Mary Ann's gathering at our clubhouse.  I said I'd call Mary Ann, but I see no reason why she shouldn't.
After more than an hour and about 4:00, we left and A. asked if I'd mind dropping her at the library.  Not at all and I went in myself.  While A. occupied herself at the computer, I looked at a book on Steel Pier, one of the high points of my youth.  Mom used to pack a big lunch and take her brood--sometimes all six, later the younger four--up town on the trolley, and we'd spend the day there.  I clearly remember seeing African-American conjoined (at the head) twins there--yes, exhibited as the snakes and monkeys were, poor little things.
Took A. home and got home to see an e-mail from Julie S.  I'm going with her next Saturday to the Our Town audition at Surflight and, as I had used one of her scripts when we were both in it for LETCO, I asked to borrow one.  Sure, said she via e-mail, so why don't you come over now and get it?  I did so, and we visited for a bit.  By the time I got home, it was close to 8:00, and I topped off the day with my usual.    
Must prepare today for my luncheon on Sunday, as well as for the termite guy tomorrow.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...