Sunday, August 04, 2013

Camerillo Ranch

In the morning, El and I took a long-planned excursion yesterday to that loftiest of destinations, a mani/pedicure establishment.  It was staffed entirely by Vietnamese--I'm not sure why, but people of that ethnic origin seem to be drawn into that occupation.  Ellen had her fingernails done in a deep-red shade of "gel," a finish that results in a beautiful shine.  I decided against fingers and went for toes, enjoying the first pedicure of my elderly youthful life.  Ooh, I can hardly keep my shoes on, my tootsies look so great!  (I chose an elegant mauve because it complements my bathing suit.)  Went home for an early light lunch, then Linda joined us and we took off for the Camarillo Ranch.  This turned out to be mainly a tour of the big Victorian (1892) home of Adolpho Camarillo, for whom the surrounding city is named.  
Now this is my kind of sight-seeing.  I love learning about the history of areas and, especially, seeing some of sites--and sights--that contributed to that history.  The Camarillo house is huge and has been lovingly restored with appropriate furniture and other fittings.  The foundation that supports it is run partly by revenue from renting out the estate for weddings, and one was being prepared for when we were there.  The setting is so beautiful I almost wanted to get married again.
Back at Ellen's, Linda said her goodbyes and we decided to go to Ventura Harbor.  We did and agreed to make our first stop Blackbeard's Barbeque.  (Yes, we had already had lunch, but we're just morally weak, I guess--runs in the family.)  Oh, yummy, yum, yum, those ribs were the best I ever tasted.       
Strolled about the waterfront, then went down to the small sort-of museum about the Channel Islands at the end of the harbor.  There are several islands just a few miles off the coast--you can see them on clear days--and they're not inhabited except by animal life.  Of course, lots of scientific research goes on there.  We climbed the stairs up to the observation tower and enjoyed spectacular views of the bustling harbor. 
Home, I had the chicken and rice I hadn't been able to finish at Applebee's and we watched a silly, amateurish video called "Marilyn in Manhattan."  We were interrupted, I'm happy to say, by a more enjoyable reason: the Skype call we received from V.and V. and their Dad in Singapore. 
Today is my last full day here and I'm already feeling melancholy about it, but I'm going to bear up.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...