Friday, June 07, 2013


Various and sundry, but nothing interesting until a Skype call from Mike, during which I was able to see adorable little Violet.  When we first connected, she was dressed in a beautiful little white dress, long and with flowers at the waist.  She looked like a princess.  I learned that Paula was having her try on clothes to see what should be kept and what not.  Of course, she ran back and forth showing me her "Baba" (a somewhat worn, partly stuffed animal that corresponds to Vivian's "Ma" and that she takes to bed) and other items.  That was the high point of the day after our 7 am walk.
Speaking of which:  Susan has various commitments today, tomorrow, and Sunday, so I won't be walking with her until Monday morning.  That's okay and I'm going to skip myself today, as it's raining and windy.
Got a call from Naomi P.  They sold their house in Sunrise Bay and are living in a condo her husband owns in Tall Timbers right around the corner on Center Street.  Naomi is a big talker and always has a lot of derogatory things to say about her stepchildren, who seem never to have reconciled themselves to their father's marriage.  I heard about some of their antics and once again, as has happened so many times before, marvel at my luck in my children.  They're saints compared to other people's kids.
Will pick Aline up today and go to lunch, notwithstanding the lousy weather. Actually, I'm glad it's raining, as a helper is coming on Monday to dig out and bundle the huge weed bushes growing under my bedroom windows in the back.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...