Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rehearsal For "Telephone"

Another good, full day.  Sent the completed article off to the A.'s, and picked Aline up at 1:00.  Drove down to Ventnor and we had time before rehearsal to sit for a bit in the little park next to the library--bright sunshine and a nice breeze, too.
Everybody showed up on time and we got started.  Aside from Rachel's constant interfering and trying to take over, it went well.  I was pleasantly surprised at Joey, who is really good and was excellent in the part.  Dayle preformed well, as ever, and Aline improved a lot during the time we rehearsed.  Rachel isn't bad--in fact, she fits the part to the hilt, being a whiney, clingy, childish pain in the rear in real life.  I had a number of notes and pointers for them, on which I elaborated; I gave each a copy of same.
After going over the play a number of times, we discussed taking our leader, John, out for a goodbye dinner.  (He's leaving next month to pursue an M.F.A. at Arizona State.)  I said I'd ask him what day would be good and when I got home, did, with a little rhyme.  Said I'd also notify members, so I guess that means I'll do the whole thing, including dealing with the restaurant. 
We parted about 3:30 and I'm feeling good about both my casts.  A. and I strolled up to the boardwalk to view the ocean--she loves the shore, then I drove past my old house on Rosborough before we got outta town.
Went for early dinner to Italian Gourmet, very good, as ever.  On the way home, I asked if A. would like to stop at Jeffreeze for ice cream.  She burst out laughing and said she just at that moment had been on the point of asking me the same.  Great minds work in the same...and so on.  We both got soft vanilla with a chocolate shell, so good and so much I couldn't finish it all.
By the time I dropped my convivial friend off, it was well after 7:00.  Wrote the invite to John, washed off my makeup and after my glass of wine, was in bed by 9:00.
I'm getting in the shower shortly, as my physical--which the all-powerful insurance company has ordered--is at 7:30 this morning.  

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...