Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Boys And Flossi

Wonderful day.  Picked Aline up and we drove to Trenton to meet Marilyn for lunch, but not before 1.) I absent-mindedly drove south and was about to get on the Parkway when I realized I was going the wrong way and 2.) we had to go around a detour on 539.  However, we met up a little late and had a wonderful time.
The restaurant, "Rho," is right on the Delaware.  The food is good, the breeze was wonderful, and the company excellent.  Aline, the opera buff, and Marilyn, the musician and graduate of Westminster Choir College, got along splendidly, as did   a delicious shrimp salad and me.
I had called J. and T.'s grandmother in Ewing where they were visiting to see if I could drop off J.'s birthday present and that's what we did next.  It was so good to see the boys again; they're terrific kids and are growing fast.  Their little cousin, Shane, 4, was there, too, and I asked if we could take them all to the park.  Cindy suggested Antheil School instead, and that's where we went.      
It was so hot even the boys wilted a bit after a half hour of play on monkey bars and overheads, so we took them to Rita's.  The three kids got frozen lemonade and Aline and I cones.  Took them back to their grandparents and reluctantly said goodbye.
Dropped A. off and got home a bit after 6:00 to find an e-mail inviting me to an excursion at the lake on Monday.  Apologetically wrote Pat R., with whom I had planned to visit that day and asked if we cold postpone to Wednesday.  She graciously  acquiesced and I wrote back my thanks, adding the saga of Flossi.  That short and not-so-sweet scenario goes like this: She stood me up on "Blooms Day," June 16; lunch date made for Monday, June 24 and that morning, in response to my e-mail, was told had doctor's appointment and made another date for today, June 26.  In response to my reminder of last night, she sent a message to the effect she was "overwhelmed" and could we meet next week.  Not sure whether I want to continue this non-relationship. Is she worth it?  Maybe not.
Called my sister-in-law, Regina, who has sold her home in Buena and moved to her daughter's in Cherry Hill.  One of these days, I'll take her to lunch.  Tied up loose ends for the dinner for John tomorrow and as usual when I'm in charge of something like this, I'm both looking forward to it with pleasure and can't wait until it's over.    

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...