Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Shalom House

Called Bobbi in the morning to ask what street we should go down in Ventnor to get to Shalom House.  She asked if it would be all right to have lunch at her place instead of going out.  It seems she's a few bucks shy right now, and she said she had plenty of salad fixings.  "Sure," said I, knowing that Aline would be okay with it, too.
Picked the latter up and we zipped down to my hometown (I'm in a silly mood).  Bobbi showed us around the building, which is being renovated, then took us up to her apartment.  I was there before, but Aline wasn't.  It's compact--pretty small--but has a balcony with a nice view and is fairly modern.  It wouldn't, however, be right for Aline, as it's a full mile to the beach and aside from shuttles that go to the supermarket and mall at scheduled times, there's no bus service.
Bobbi served us salad nicoise,* which I haven't had for an age and which was delicious.
After a leisurely lunch and good talk, Bobbi suggested we go out for ice cream.  Ever ready to lose our (dietary) virtue, A. and I immediately agreed.  We went to Two Cents Plain on Ventnor Avenue--I was there years ago--and A. got an ice cream cone.  Bobbi and me?  Utterly decadent "fudgies'--a big brownie topped with ice cream, hot fudge, and nuts.  'Twas evil, but yummy.
Our hostess had told us of two low income places in Atlantic City, Community Haven and Best of Life.  They're both on Virginia Avenue, and we drove up to see them on our way home. Couldn't find B. of L., but C.H. is a large building with grass and trees around it.  We didn't get out of the car, though, as it had started to rain heavily.  The place looked nice, we thought, and is very convenient to the boardwalk, the beach, and the bus line.  Possible for Aline, if she ever decides to move.
By the time we got off the island, a veritable Niagara was coming down, and it was actually hard to see on the Parkway. We made it home safely, though, and I dropped my dear friend off.
Lunch today with Naomi. 
* I guess Spellcheck doesn't understand foreign words, so it may be misspelled.  It's pronounced "ne-schwa," and usually consists of lettuce, tuna fish, hard-boiled egg, string beans, and maybe a few other veggies; Bobbi had zucchini in hers.

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