A busily busy day. Took book (Jackie Reading) and CD (biography of Einstein) back to the library and picked up a new CD (murder mystery; can't remember name). Stopped at the P.O. to see if the M-bag was in yet. Incredibly, it wasn't. I was told the Little Egg people had sent out a search and nobody in the area had one. They had to send to North Carolina for it, but it should be on its way.
This seems incredible to me. M-bags are a legitimate service of the United States Post Office. They allow citizens to send printed material overseas (and maybe here, too, dunno) for much less postage than the highway robbery they get for regular mail. Of course, the stuff goes by boat--or carrier pigeon, for all I know--but eventually, one hopes, gets there. I want to send a certain little someone, not yet born, some books via this method, but it's been at least six weeks since I requested an M-bag, and it seems to have thrown the whole east coast P.O. into a tizzy. I'm still waiting.
After, I went across the street to Seacrest's new assisted living facility and asked to have someone set up an appointment to tour it for Aline and me. I don't intend to move in, just thought I'd like to see it and maybe they'll offer us lunch.
Proceeded on to Manahawkin and got my medication at Wal-Mart. I didn't linger, though, as weighing on my mind was the profile on Pat and Bea A., which I had barely started. This is the point at which I start to panic because I always send to the subjects first to check for errors, and I have to get it back, then submit by Thursday. Kept my nose to the grindstone and finally finished it. Had to call the A.'s a few times to clarify some of my notes, but it turned out okay. I'll read it over and send to them this morning.
Got calls from Aline, Lillian M., Bobbi C., and Jeanne P.--it's always a pleasure to hear from her and we had an enjoyable chat. However, Bobbi's call was to tell me we couldn't meet today at Shalom House where she lives, as had been planned. She had forgotten that a movie was being shown at the same time. No prob, though, as I was able to reserve a room at the Ventnor Library, then contact Rachel, Dayle, and Joey, to let them know. I'll tell Aline when I pick her up today.
About 3:00, I finally chopped down the huge bayberry (read "weed") bushes under my back window, bundled them up, and got them to the curb. Actually, somebody else did that as I hacked away at milkweed and other invaders that have tried to take over the back. It looks much, much better, although I need to get in there again to finish up. Good thing we've had so much rain, as the ground is softened--but now I want it to stop--the rain, that is, not the ground.
So-o-o, a good, productive day.
WIDER: Yesterday, I watched Ed Snowden on the video embedded in the following. It gave me hope. He was smashing in his intelligent speech and calm, articulate manner. Oh, please, let there be many more out there like him.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...
Had a delightful lunch with my new (Wellspouse) friend, Mary L. yesterday. No problem getting to TGI Friday's in Toms River--in fact, ...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
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