Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Susan and I walked with umbrellas while being pushed around by the ferocious wind--was soaked by the time I got home.  Aline called to discuss our weekends and we had a nice chat.
Although the rain turned to snow (later to "snain," I guess it could be called, a wintry mix), I went to the post office and mailed off the Easter gifts to the boys.  Thought I'd send some of Mike's books, too, and went back several times.  Finally decided to send the heavy one and take the others.
I had errands to run in Manahawkin, so called Aline back and offered to take her to the library where she works.  Picked her up after lunch and dropped her off at 2:00, then went to Target.  Got a few things and was at the check out when I looked up and saw a friend of mine.  We had coffee and a nice visit.
Talked to Betty when I got home.  She and Mary H. will meet Aline and me for lunch today at Italian Gourmet.

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