Saturday, March 02, 2013

Neat Day

Turned out to be a neat day.  During our walk, Susan invited me to go with her to the Smithville Inn for lunch on Sunday, where we'll meet her ex-husband's second wife, with whom she's very friendly.  (Well, why not?  The guy died several years ago and whatever problems they had are, presumably, forgotten.  She has Walter now, anyway.)  I've met Joanne and like her, so of course, I accepted.
Aline and I had decided we'd go out for breakfast, rather than lunch and I picked her up at 9:00. We zipped over to BAM!, the bookstore, where I had planned to return two books I had gotten for my granddaughters.  Had taken them to the post office before wrapping and discovered the postage would be more than twice their cost.  Damn, I didn't have the receipt and they wouldn't refund.  Oh, well, I thought.
We went to Shore Diner for breakfast and had scrambled eggs, toast, and excellent coffee.  From there, we stopped at Produce Junction--oh, I was sorely tempted by the beautiful mums, orchids, and other flowers, but I had bought new before my company came the other day, and refrained from more.
We planned to stop at the Little Egg Library next and when we did, discovered the movie Perils of a Wallflower was showing at noon, free of charge, of course.  We decided to go and did.  Movie was fair and a nice enough way to spend a gloomy Friday, but certainly not terrific. 
After, I left Aline there while I went to the cleaners to pick up the "mourning dress" I had wore in Arsenic.  Cost me $12.50 and I hope Our Gang appreciates it.  By the time I got back for Aline, she was finished her computer work and I took her home.  She's going back to Manhattan for the weekend and I'm going to Smithville on Sunday, but we made a date to see Les Miserables at Pinelands Regional on Thursday.  Very nice day.
And to top it off, I found my receipt for the books.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...