Friday, March 08, 2013


The show last night was fabulous.  It's hard to believe this Les Miserables was a high school production--it sure wasn't like any Holy Spirit play in which I appeared.  The singers--and it's an operetta, so there's no spoken dialogue--must have all been classically trained, especially the young man who had the lead.  He was very heavy, certainly a hundred pounds overweight, but his voice was incredible.  Aside from the musical part, the set was wonderful: minimalist, but strongly evocative of the theme and the era.  There was a huge cast--schools, of course, have a lot of fodder to call on--all of whom were appropriately costumed and all of whom actually acted their parts properly.  Aline had seen it on stage before and had seen the (augmented) movie with Hugh Jackman, so she was familiar with all the songs.  She thought it was  beautifully staged and that the student voices were wonderful.
Saw Julie S. and Tonya there and after, we were greeted with a hug by the latter's darling laughter, Emma, a senior there and a favorite of mine.  Chatted with her for a bit, congratulated the performers, and left happy.  Before we parted, A. and I made a date to go to the Sunday matinee of the musical, The Last Five Years, at Surflight, with lunch beforehand, of course.
Earlier, I finally accomplished a lot of the chores I had left hanging for days, if not weeks: changed the linens in the guest room, did lots of wash, hung up my Arsenic costumes (we're waiting for a call to tell us when we can get into the costume place to take them back), went through a bunch of papers and threw some out, assembled income tax stuff, and otherwise got at least a few things ship-shape--or maybe you'd call it, "rowboat-ready."
Dominoes at the D.'s tonight.

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