Friday, March 29, 2013

Income Tax And Murder

Gnash, gnash, gnash...!  (much gnashing of teeth).  I could spend the whole page detailing my income tax woes of yesterday, but why bother?  In a nutshell: Thought I could do my own via Turbo Tax, which is, indeed, very user friendly, but when I finally finished, was due back only $517, as opposed to $1400 last year, and just found it too harrowing to try to fix whatever the problem was, so called H & R Block, got an appointment for a few hours later, took in all the crap, and got it done, incurring the charge I wanted to avoid of $243--a dollar more than last year!
However, I was charmed by the guy who did it, an elderly (but surely ten or more years younger than I am), white-haired gentleman born in Belfast, who left there because of the troubles, and led an interesting, foot-loose life in his youth.  Lived in Italy and France, and picked grapes in Germany, has been in the states since 1983, and lived in Margate at one time, parking cars illegally for a casino when he first came over.   
I was charmed, all right, but what really charmed me was the fact that I'm getting $1200 back. 
WIDER:  Here's news that simply boggles the mind:

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Rich and I tried turbo tax in 2010 and we screwed up---never again. Also getting more back when a human did it for us.
Have fun with your unexpected good return.


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