Saturday, March 09, 2013


Continued--to an extent--my clean-up, clear-out campaign.  Finally pulled together the papers from my paid gig for Surflight in October and sent them off with an explanatory letter.  Went to B & B for oranges, lettuce, and peppers and stir-fired the last in olive oil with onions and garlic; had that for dinner.
Strolled next door for dominoes at 7:00.  The M.'s didn't come, but the H.'s and R.'s were there, along with Frank and Barbara, and the seven of us had a fine, convivial time.  Incredibly, I didn't walk back in my door until 12:05--dirty stay-out!  We laughed, talked, and played--I actually won a round, proving wonders will never cease in Little Egg Harbor.  We discussed hurricane Sandy, the effects of which will be felt around here for years to come, as well as health care and family matters. 
How good it always is to be with such friends, now of fairly long standing--ten years in September.  I again realized that our move to Sunrise Bay was one of the best of Pat's and my lives.  If I ever forget that, or fail to fully appreciate it, somebody should kick me in the nether regions.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...