Sunday, March 17, 2013


A funtastic day.  Betty called about 7:30 to tell me Larry had landed and would I like to meet the two of them and Muckie for brunch at the Northfield Diner?
Sure thing.  We had a good breakfast--I actually ordered scrapple* with my scrambled eggs--and a good visit.  We then went to Betty's, enjoyed more talk for a few hours.  The walkers, Larry and I, decided to take a turn on the boardwalk, which we did on a blustery day.  We just went the few blocks to Rosborough* Avenue, then Larry suggested we go back on the street from there.  When we got to fifteen south, our old homestead, I mentioned that I knew Dee, the present owner, and would Larry like to see if she's home and if we could step in?  Yes, she was, and we did.
As it turned out, Dee had a houseful of relatives who were having lunch, but she was absolutely delighted to see us and to meet Larry.  We didn't stay long and went upstairs for just a few minutes, chatted with Dee (who, true to form, kept urging us to stay and have a bite) and her daughter, then said goodbye.
Muckie had left when we got back to Betty's, Larry called Jack B., and I invited the three of them to dinner.   Stopped at Acme and got a vacuum-packed fresh pork loin, broccoli,  baking potatoes, and cake for dessert.  I had to hustle to clean up the place a bit, prepare the food, set the table, and so on, but I finished just as Jack rang the doorbell at 5:30.  Betty and Larry came in a few minutes after.
What a great time we had!  The dinner was delish, if I say it myself, and of course, the talk was even better.  Larry and Jack have been friends since babyhood, which means that Betty and I go back a stretch with him, too.  We had a ball and they stayed until after 9:00.
I can never go to bed without cleaning up after company, and I did that.  Filled the dishwasher and washed a number of things by hand.  Had my popcorn and wine and went happily to bed.
Before Betty and Larry left, we made a date to go to dinner at Red Lobster tonight.  I'm also going to brunch today at Smithville Inn with Susan and her ex-husband's second wife.   Should be another enjoyable day.
*Heh, heh.  Spellcheck doesn't recognize either "scrapple" OR "Rosborough."  Illiterate teckies.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...