Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Did my duty and took my walk, although my iPod Shuffle needed to be charged.  Met Maureen K. on the way for a chat.
Rest of the day was all domestic.  Did white, light, and dark washes, got containers of Dionne Quint stuff out the garage and into the guest room--I must start turning my attention to my November 1 program soon--transferred the typewriter from my trunk to a resting place in the garage, and generally cleaned up.  Went to B.J.'s for various.
While getting the mail, ran into Ray and Barb H. with their adorable little granddaughter, Annalise, and we talked for a while.
Made myself a yummy pepper/onion/tomato/chicken stir-fry.  
Got a call from Aline.  Will be picking her up today for exercise, then dinner, then the Lizzie Borden program.  Should be fun.
So-o-o, slow day, but okay.
WIDER:  I'm always bemused--and amused--at those who subject themselves to watching the presidential "debates," let alone take them seriously.  An excellent essay by one of my heroes, Glen Greenwald, includes this insight:
"...within this one process of structuring the presidential debates, we have every active ingredient that typically defines, and degrades, US democracy. The two parties collude in secret. The have the same interests and goals. Everything is done to ensure that the political process is completely scripted and devoid of any spontaneity or reality."
The whole of it should be read and here's the link:

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