Monday, October 08, 2012


During our morning walk, Susan asked how rehearsals were going and I said fine, but we had to meet in the hunting shanty at the Tuckerton Seaport.  (Because of Columbus Day, we can't get in the school.)
What? said she; but this the second Monday of the month and the Seaport Stitchers, of which she's a member, meets there on that day.
Long story short: I stopped at the Seaport on my way to Manahawkin, talked to several seemingly confused people and was finally told we had the shanty tonight and they'd put the S.S. elsewhere.  Called Susan from the parking lot, she said she'd called her prez, and I thought that was that until I saw on Facebook from Tonya that we'd be meeting at the lighthouse (same campus).  All that confusion seems typical of human endeavors, but hey, it isn't as if Honey Boo Boo was coming to town.
Was pleased to get Skype calls from Mike and the precious little girls, as well as one of my little girls, Ellen.  Latter is still embroiled as a volunteer in an intense political race--hope it turns out for her side.
Aline called early and I suggested we eat at Dynasty before I pick her up for rehearsal tonight.  She agreed, natch, and that'll be nice.
Tomorrow, I'm going with the group that dare not speak, etc., to the Culinary Institute at Atlantic Community College for lunch, so that'll be fun.
And speaking of culinary, I got an invite from Susan for lunch on Wednesday, with her caterer daughter, Julie, and granddaughter, Sophia, who will be in from from Connecticut. I agreed enthusiastically--another natch. 
The next day, Thursday?  OPENING NIGHT!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...