Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Doctor And Other

Incredibly, I slept until 7:30 yesterday, then rose to keep my doctor's appointment an hour later.  I got an wonderful report on my labs: good stuff  well into the excellent range, less-than-good way down.  I'm not quite sure why this is, as I haven't changed my life style lately (do I ever?), but Dr. W. seemed to credit it to good genes and exercise.  He said that at my stage of life (barely functioning--ha!), it's all about bones and arteries.  Of course, my weight is up by fifty pounds from my low of a few years ago, but that doesn't seem to have affected my health. 
The only bad news was that Dr. W. is leaving at the end of the year.  He explained that he wants to spend more time with his family, also to be able to exercise more and take care of his own health, which he doesn't have time to do now.  Also, he lives in Haddonfield, which is a distance away and it's a long commute.
Hmm...I wonder if that's the whole story.  He said he's going to be working at an urgent care facility closer to his home.  Regardless, I liked him a lot and am sorry he's leaving.
Went to B.J.'s for cottage cheese and romaine and impulsively picked up a rotisserie chicken.  Made a big salad and had that and good-and-greasy chicken legs for lunch.  Cut in half the large Brussels sprouts I had bought the other day and put them in the crock pot with onions, garlic, various seasonings, and a splash of red wine.  Haven't eaten any yet, but it smelled delish.
Picked up Aline for rehearsal.  I was glad to see the wicker couch on which I pass out and sleep for most of the second act, was in place and looks okay.  We did the whole play with just a few pauses for correction and it went well.  Tonight is for act three only, so I have the evening off.

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 I left for town about 10:30, bringing my lunch. Stopped in a few shops and ate--as I hadn't done for months--across from the mission: F...